Tuesday, January 24, 2012


As the time for my next chest CT is approaching, one week from today, I find that I am getting more and more nervous every day. I know it's completely understandable but how to deal with it is what's working on me a little, okay, a lot! Right now I am just trying to remind myself to breath. Worrying about whether there is change in the nodules in my lungs that were found long before I heard the word melanaoma. Worrying about if those nodules are related to my melanoma diagnosis.

I know all the things to follow: worrying won't get me anywhere. Pray. Have faith and hope. Stay positive. I say these things all the time. Up until now it has truly worked. I think not knowing about melanoma when I started having the scans helped with dealing with those appointments. No big deal, nodules, could be a number of things but no change from the first one so no worries. But now as the time approaches I can't help but wonder.....Stay positive. Pray. Have faith and hope.

I know what I will do. I will go for the scan. I will go see my lung doctor afterwards. I will inform her of the melanoma. I will wait for her to review the scans and for her to tell me if there is any change.
It is okay to be nervous. It is okay to worry. Regardless of the outcome I will stay positive. Pray. Have faith and hope.

I believe the key is to not let the nerves or worry take control. Don't let it overpower you. Remind yourself of what you tell everyone, no matter what it will be okay.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Don't let the worry overpower you. Breathe deep and focus. You can do this! We are here for you. Take time for you to relax and free your mind of worry each day. Remember how nervous we were when we were getting ready to have our babies? I know this is cancer, something you didn't plan, but you are stronger than you think and you can overcome this! Close your eyes and find that happy, peaceful place and let the worry of the world float away from you. Ok, so I'm no healing guru, but I do know that stress will only make things worse, so make time to de-stress. Sounds simple and I know its not, but try :) hugs, luvya! You are an inspiration!
